Frequently Asked Questions
Do Dining Dollars have to be purchased?
Yes! A minimum of $100 is required per plan (including Independence and Patriot Plans). Liberty Plans have fixed amounts assigned to them. However, additional Dining Dollars are not required if a second Patriot Plan is purchased within the same semester.
Note: The average student selects $350 of Dining Dollars.
How can I drop/add/change my meal plan?
Log on to the Online Mason Card Office with your Mason NetID.
Click “Buy/Change your Meal Plan” on the navigation menu and follow the prompts to complete the meal plan selection.
Once completed, the meal plan will be activated immediately during the semester.
You can add or upgrade your meal plan anytime during the semester. To add more Dining Dollars, select the next level up of the Dining Dollar amount. For more information on meal plan management, please visit the Mason Card Office.
How can I add Dining Dollars?
Dining Dollars may be added in one of four increments: $100, $200, $350, or $500 at any point during the year.
To add Dining Dollars:
- Log on to the Online Mason Card Office with your Mason NetID
- Click “Buy/Change your Meal Plan” on the navigation menu
- Select the next level up of the Dining Dollar amount. For example, if you have an Independence 200 plan, you would select the Independence 350 to add additional $150 Dining Dollars. The $150 difference will be billed to your Student Account for payment.
If you have further questions, please email masonid@gmu.edu Remember: Dining Dollars will roll over into the Spring semester as a courtesy, but they become non-refundable at the end of the Spring Semester.
What is the difference between Dining Dollars and Mason Money?
Dining Dollars are tax-exempt (6% savings) at most dining venues and come with certain meal plans (Independence, Liberty and Patriot). You can use them in all dining venues, pay for Starship Deliveries and Starship Pick Up. Your funds will roll over from fall to spring semesters.
Mason Money is separate from your meal plan, and you can use it at a variety of places such as dining, book store, print shop, parking services. Mason Money is taxable.
Remember: Dining Dollars offer Dollar-For-Dollar Tax-Exempt (6% savings) at all dining venues on all campuses; Mason Money is not tax-exempt.
Am I required to get a meal plan?
Freshmen and sophomores living on campus without a full kitchen are required to have an Independence Meal Plan. Junior and Seniors living on campus without a full kitchen are required to have either an Independence Meal Plan or Liberty Plan.
On campus students who live in apartment-style-halls (Rogers, Townhouses, Northern Neck, Liberty Square, Potomac Heights) are not required to have a meal plan. However, all meal plans are available to off campus students. Take this short quiz to find out your perfect match.
What are the areas with full kitchens?
Liberty Square | Northern Neck | Potomac Heights | Rogers | Townhouses
Are graduate students required to have a meal plan?
Yes, graduate students living in areas without full kitchens are required to select one of the Liberty or Independence Plans.
Why aren’t Liberty Plans an option for freshmen and sophomores?
The university feels that the Independence Plans are instrumental in acclimating freshmen and sophomores to campus life. Not only will it enhance community living, but it will also ensure healthy dining choices are available at every meal.
What is Starship Delivery?
Starship delivery robots are our little helpers that deliver food and snacks to you and your friends on campus. They are contactless, low cost, fast and friendly.
You can use Dining Dollars or Mason Money as well as credit/debit card to pay small delivery fee. Experience the future today: https://get.starshipdeliveries.com/u/patriots
I am allergic to peanuts, where can I eat on campus?
Each dining hall has Simple Servings station. All foods served at this station are prepared exclusively with ingredients that do not contain the following food allergens: Milk, Eggs, Wheat, Soy, Tree Nuts, Shellfish, Gluten, Peanuts. All staff working at that station are AllerTrain certified.
If you have allergy or dietary concern, we encourage you to set up a FREE appointment with our Registered Dietitian Brooke Tresch (brooke.tresch@sodexo.com).
Where can I eat with my meal plan if I have a dietary restriction?
The Mason Dining Registered Dietitian is a free resource for all students. Students may meet with the dietitian to help navigate the dining venues on campus based on specific dietary needs.
Do you have Halal and/or Kosher Options?
With more than 3,000 international students representing over 50 countries, George Mason is ranked #1 for diversity in Virginia. With this in mind, Mason Dining is making a concentrated effort to serve certified kosher meals and halal meat. Check the Religious Dietary Options page for more details:
Which locations accept gift cards?
Only Starbucks, Panera Bread, Panda Express, Manhattan Pizza, and Chipotle accept gift cards.
Do you have a pick up option?
Yes, order ahead with Starship and pick up your order on time! Starship is an app that helps you to order ahead. Simply download the Starship App from the App Store to begin ordering today. Once your meal plan is loaded onto your student account, you will have the option to select Dining Dollars or Mason Money as your form of payment.
How does the 'Kids Under 12 Eat Free' offer work?
Children aged 12 and under eat for free at all dining halls when accompanied by a paying adult. No sign-up or registration is required. The offer is valid every day during normal dining hours.